Hale Independent Issue 176
7 MARCH 2025 Visit our website: www.independentnewspapers.co.uk Independent PETS Here’s why microchipping is top dog MICROCHIPPING is a quick, safe and permanent way of identifying your pet, and means that they canbeeasily returned toyou if they are lost or stolen. Your vet practice will be able to microchip dogs, cats and other species, and help you reg- ister the microchip with the correct database to ensure your contact details are linked to the chip number for future use. It’s really important that thesedetails are kept up to date if your contact information changes. Bylaw,alldogsovertheageofeightweeksold need to be microchipped and have up to date details registered on amicrochipping database. You can be fined if you do not ensure this is done. Microchipping is also a legal requirement in cats, with a failure to do so by the time they reach the age of 20 weeks punishable by a fine of up to £500. If your pet is lost and then found by anyone, a professional (such as a vet or a dogwarden) will scan themicrochipandbegivena15-digit code. This code can then be searched on themicro- chip database, who will run security checks before supplying your contact details so you can be notified. Providing you have kept your contact details up to date, this will enable you to be reunited with your pet! To learn more about the process or book a microchippingappointment for yourpet, please reach out to your localWillows practice.
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