Hale Independent Issue 175

FEBRUARY 2025 2 No part of this publicationmay be used or reproduced without the express permission of the publisher. Every effort is made to ensure that the articles and advertisements that are carried are authentic, however the publisher accepts no responsibility for claims made. © Investors in Publishing Ltd 2025. This newspaper is publishedmonthly by Investors in Publishing, Publishing House, 3 Bridgebank Industrial Estate,Taylor Street, Horwich, Bolton BL6 7PD. 01204 478812 EDITOR Ged Henderson ged@hendersonnewsandmedia.com CONTACT JayneMeadowcroft 01204 478812 07703 045189 jayne@independentnewspapers.co.uk ADVERTISING Robin Atkins 07767 840274 robin@cheshireindependent.co.uk CONTACT US LOCAL business MOST Bakery has been chosen as the food and beverage pro- vider for Trafford Leisure’s £20million revamped ‘move Altrincham’ centre. The Altrincham bakery will be ready to serve hot and cold food and drinks, seven days a week, providing a modern, balanced and healthy all-day family-oriented menu when the health and wellbeing facil- ity opens later this year. The decision to select MOST Bakery followed a comprehen- sive selection process, con- ducted in collaboration with Trafford Council and Trafford Leisure’s health colleagues. Local café operators were invited to submit proposals that aligned with the goals of improving health out- comes and achieving net zero by 2038. The process included a review of menu proposals and business plans, due dil- igence checks, mystery visits to assess customer service and operational standards, and formal interviews to evaluate sustainability, financials and health initiatives. Jo Cherrett is chief executive of Trafford Leisure, a commu- nity interest company wholly owned by Trafford Council, which manages leisure in the borough on behalf of the council, using any profits and assets for community benefit. She said: “This is an important milestone for the reopening of move Altrincham following its £20m refurbishment. “We are thrilled to have found the right local food and beverage partner that comple- ments our brand’s vision to inspire and create opportuni- ties for the people of Trafford to move more and live longer, healthier and happier lives.” MOST Bakery’s co-founder and co-owner, Suze Town- ley, said: “We’re absolutely delighted to have been selected as café operator for move Altrincham. “The plans for the revamped centre are incredible, and we’re excited to be a part of something so integral to the local community. We’re look- ing forward to offering deli- cious, freshly-made food and really great coffee.” The new look move Altrin- cham will benefit from a 25m swimming pool, a 20m learner pool, a pool pod to improve accessibility, a com- bined lobby area with pool viewing and the MOST Bak- ery café, a wet village change, an inclusive changing places toilet and a health and well- being spa facility. There will also be a wellness assessment room, an enlarged fitness suite, fitness chang- ing and dry change areas, two flexible studio spaces, an immersive indoor cycle studio, a four-court sports hall and storage, a gymnastics hub and staff rooms and offices. AN application to build more than 80 homes on the site of the former magistrates’ court in Sale has been resubmitted to planners. Trafford Council has applied for permission to build 84 properties, includ- ing 21 affordable homes, on the one-hectare site off Ashton Lane and Washway Road. It says the application has been validated to deliver accommodation providing additional ground floor living space and has been submit- ted to support the delivery of “much-needed new, high qual- ity energy efficient homes” in the borough. The plans for the homes include the addition of solar panels to both front and rear elevations with battery storage to reduce future energy bills. The proposed development will include a new public realm and the planting of trees, “bringing social, eco- nomic and environmental ben- efits to an urban setting with excellent transport links”. Liz Patel, Trafford’s exec- utive member for economy and regeneration, said: “The Sale magistrates’ court hous- ing development is a flagship scheme and meets the Coun- cil’s policy of building more housing on brownfield sites, with 25 per cent afforda- ble homes. “The amended applica- tion focuses on the delivery of energy efficient homes in response to the demand high- lighted in the recent Housing Needs Assessment. “There is a terrible short- age of housing nationally, and we are pushing ahead and building as many new and THE countdown is on to a taste-filled 10-day cel- ebration of Altrincham’s diverse culinary scene. ‘A Taste of Altrincham’ will run from Friday February 28 until Sunday March 9, show- casing the town’s rich food and drink offerings and providing locals and visitors with unique gastronomic experiences. Organised by Altrincham’s Business Improvement Dis- trict (BID), it will feature a variety of events and promo- tions, including special offers at local eateries, interactive demonstrations, culinary classes, and more. The pro- gramme has been designed to highlight the talent and crea- tivity of Altrincham’s food and drink establishments, encour- aging everyone to explore and support local businesses. Local law firm Myerson Solicitors has been announced as the headline sponsor of ‘A Taste of Altrincham.’ Carl Newton, chief exec- utive of Myerson Solicitors, GREATER Manchester Police’s drive to tackle retail crime continued throughout December and the festive period, as hundreds of arrests were made, with the vast major- ity resulting in charges. Across December 2024, 296 arrests relating to shoplifting and theft from businesses were recorded force-wide, resulting in 221 being charged, with 133 remanded at the time of their arrest. Others were dealt with via other methods, including street warnings, community resolutions, and signposting to the appropriate resources where necessary. Neighbourhood teams across the force are committed to tackling retail crime, ensuring the safety of staff, and assisting stores as they continue to combat the issues arising from shoplifters. Chief Inspector Cara Char- lesworth, GMP’s force lead for retail crime, said: “December saw an increase in footfall to stores across the region as people ventured out to get pre- sents for Christmas. Unfortu- nately, this meant shoplifters were on the search for goods to steal, and harass and abuse workers simply doing their job. “Our work ensured we locked up dozens of people in relation to shoplifting, secur- ing countless charges. While there is always further work to be done, 2025 will see us strengthen our multi-agency partnership approach to prob- lem-solving retail crime. “There will be a real focus on tackling the most prolific offenders that are causing significant harm to the busi- ness community. Activity will include further weeks of action and improved engagement with retailers to explore the best way we can assist GreaterManches- ter’s business community. “If you are a business and are suffering from retail crime, I would urge you to report offences to police so positive action can be taken. Whether you’re the manager of a large multi-national supermarket or owner of a tiny shop – local officers will be able to help and give bespoke crime pre- vention advice.” Shoplifters arrested in festive blitz A fresh bid to move court homes forward Affordable: The proposed development on the court site (Photo credit: Trafford Council) Bakery chosen as café provider for Move Altrincham ALTRINCHAM primary school pupils joined chil- dren all over the country in a synchronised mass handwashing event that will make the Guinness Book of Records. A national, synchronised event, back in October – organised by Germ’s Journey – aimed to raise awareness of handwashing as an effec- tive way to prevent the spread of 80 per cent of infections and disease. Trafford Community Infection Prevention and Control’s Ann Molineux and Jaiby Jacob went along to St Vincent’s Catholic Pri- mary School in Altrincham for the successful world record attempt. They talked to the children and showed them how germs can lurk on their hands, using a special ultra-violet light box. The campaign linked in with the ‘Trafford Loves Clean Hands’ initiative, reminding all residents about this important matter. Jane Slater, Trafford Council cabinet member for healthy, independent lives, said: “This is a great effort and I’m so proud that Trafford schoolchildren played their part. We love clean hands in Trafford. Washing your hands properly removes dirt, viruses, and bacteria that can spread illnesses such as flu, food poisoning, coughs, colds and Covid as well as vomiting and diarrhoea. “It can help protect you and stop the spread to oth- ers who may be vulnerable to infections. It really is that important.” Children clean up in world record attempt Food festival’s menu for success affordable homes as we can across the borough.” Local developer PIC Homes, who recently completed Phase 1 of The Saplings development in Timperley, will deliver the scheme, working alongside an experienced team of Trafford based contractors. Sponsors: Carl Newton, chief executive of Myerson Solicitors said: “Having been part of Altrincham’s business com- munity for over 40 years, we are always keen to support local events and initiatives. “A Taste of Altrincham promises to be a fantastic addition to the town’s annual events programme.  We are delighted to be working with Altrincham BID as the head- line sponsor as we continue to further strengthen relation- ships with the local commu- nity and businesses.” Mandy White, Altrincham BID director, said: “We are thrilled to present ‘A Taste of Altrincham,’ which not only celebrates our town’s excep- tional food and drink scene but provides a vibrant new event for the town and sup- ports local businesses. “With the generous sponsor- ship from Myerson Solicitors and funding from the govern- ment through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, this event promises to be a highlight in Altrincham’s calendar.” More information about “A Taste of Altrincham,” includ- ing a schedule of events and participating venues will be announced soon and all details will be available at https://visitaltrincham.com/ taste-of-altrincham